Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Be Careful, Little Eyes, What You See

Today I shoplifted at Target.

Adelade picked out some mint M&Ms. By the time we shopped the store, checked out with three kids, got three kids to the car, unloaded the packages, and deposited three kids, I had completely forgotten that a package of mint M&Ms had ever entered our lives. But, then I looked down at the tray on Emerald's stroller, and there they were, in their bright green package, the glaring proof that I had ripped Target off for exactly one dollar and eight cents.

I knew what I had to do. After all, my seven and four year olds were sitting there staring at me, the woman who is always giving them tidbits about being honest, being nice, doing the right thing. But, all I really wanted to do was throw the candy in the car and drive home.

And, there was a small part of me that was secretly excited by the idea that I had "gotten away" with stealing that bag of M&Ms. I was truly tempted to take my prize and run. Isn't it interesting that something like that could be so tempting, especially in the face of unloading three kids, lugging the stroller back into the store, all to pay for a package of candy that Target didn't even know I had?

The Holy Spirit often works on me through my children. They are such amazing little reminders of what God has called me to be as His follower, as their mother. I'm so glad that I have the three of them to drag back into the store, so in a moment like that I can show them what obedience looks like, and God can remind me how obedience feels.

He is so good to give me these three little sets of eyes, three little hearts, three little souls. They are constant reminders of His workings in my life. May I strive to be all the things I want my children to be. If not, my words are only noise in an already noisy and insincere world.

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